I believe that your story is uniquely yours as is your process. All that you have/have not experienced and witnessed up until this point has impacted how you navigate yourself, your relationships, your choices- your life. We only know what we know just like we don't know what we don't know. It can be overwhelming and scary to explore ourselves and our experiences with the hopes of hoping, understanding, healing and dreaming again. It can feel like going on a long frustratingly cryptic journey, traveling without any map, GPS, or even clear location in mind.

But, like Frodo had Samwise, you are not alone! 

Welcome to Willow Rest Therapy

Here, you have a map-navigating guide to support and empower you. My approach is you-centered (an eclectic approach that adapts to what best fits your current needs) and includes self-compassion and identifying the connection between current stressors and your past experiences in order to bring light to the root issues preventing you from being wholly you.

Step by Step

My mantra: "Step by step- because the whole of my life is all my steps, even the ones not taken."

Even browsing through providers is a celebratory step of courage to take care of yourself- to invest in yourself. I implore you to prioritize yourself because you are worth it. And it would be a privilege to support you in your journey.

Beautiful image with spa and relaxing concept with scented oil fragrance diffuser and candles and towels
Willow Rest Marriage and Family Therapy